
What Is Causing Clogs in Your Drains?

Finding out that you have a clogged drain is always an unpleasant feeling, and it always seems to happen at the worst times. You might have slow drains, or the water may not drain at all. Regardless, it is a problem that you’ll need to have fixed. Just about everyone will have clogged drains at some point. By understanding some of the most common causes of this problem, you can better understand how to prevent it from happening in the future.


In the bathroom sink and the tub/shower, hair is one of the most common causes of clogged drains. We all shed. Sometimes, we don’t clean up enough when shaving, and some of the hair ends up down the drain. It ends up accumulating and eventually, you will have a clog.

One of the ways to help prevent this from happening is to use a stopper, such as a Tub Shroom. It’s a drain protector that fits into the drain allowing water to flow through but catching hair and other debris. They are cheap and easy to use.


Grease, along with oil and fat, can cause issues with the drains, too. When these get into the drains, they will begin to solidify, narrowing the pipes. You shouldn’t pour any oil, grease, or fat down the drain. It’s a simple and effective preventative measure.


You might not realize it, but soap can also cause clogs. More precisely, it is the soap scum that causes clogs. Just as it can accumulate on your shower and tup over time, it will do the same thing in the drains. It can happen with all the drains where soap is used including the laundry. As it builds up, it reduces the diameter of the pipe, which can cause a clog or slow drainage.

Small Objects

If you have children or grandchildren of a certain age, you know that they tend to lose a lot of their toys. Sometimes, they lose them down the sink or in the toilet, where they are accidentally flushed. Small objects like that can end up causing a clog.

These are some of the most common drain cloggers in a home or a place of business. If you have a stubborn clog already, then it is time to contact us here at Open Drains. We will quickly come out, fix your drains, and get you back to your day!


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